This distance measure is specially designed for accurate targeting to provide reliable results, especially in bright sunlight. It can measure accurately within ±2mm/m.
Experience the precision of the Magnusson 15m Laser Distance Measurer, a powerful tool designed with accuracy in mind. This state-of-the-art distance measurer ensures reliable results, even in the brightest sunlight; it measures within +/-2mm/m for unmatched reliability.
One of the main highlights of this laser measurer is its auto power-off feature, conserving energy by shutting off after 5 minutes of inactivity. Note: Batteries are not included with the device.
Ease of use is further enhanced by its clear, easy-to-read LCD display, simplifying the processes of reading measurements and settings.
Enjoy peace of mind with a generous 5-year guarantee, a commitment from us to you about the durability and quality of the Magnusson 15m Laser Distance Measurer.
Among its key features and benefits, you'll find a minimum display unit of 1mm, that's capable of delivering exact measurements. Experience convenience with an automatic switch-off after approximately 5 minutes, and benefit from the device's automatic laser level to ensure balance and accuracy in all your projects.
Choose the Magnusson 15m Laser Distance Measurer for pinpoint accuracy and enhanced efficiency in your distance measuring tasks.